Credit to CLDC for their work in rural Clare
>> Thursday, May 10, 2012 –
rural development
Killaloe sports development secures €200k funding.
I felt it was worth highlighting the great work of the Clare Local Development Company. Read my press release here.
Clare Fine Gael Senator Tony Mulcahy has praised the contribution of Clare Local Development Company Ltd (CLDC) to community life in rural parts of the County. Senator Mulcahy was responding to the news that CLDC has allocated funding totalling €200,000 to Ballina/Killaloe Sports & Community Facilities Development Co Ltd for the construction of two natural grass playing pitches and a synthetic pitch at Clarisford, Killaloe.

Senator Mulcahy noted that over €5 million in LEADER funding was available to support and fund a wide variety of projects in Clare in 2012 and 2013. “€1.8m was paid out to a wide range of community and enterprise projects in Clare during 2011 under the current LEADER Programme, bringing to €3m the amount paid out locally since 2009. The actual amount approved in this period was €5.5m. Projects such as the sports development in Killaloe bring a new lease of life to rural parts of the county and also present a central social outlet for the people of the communities concerned.” Senator Mulcahy congratulated the members of Ballina/Killaloe Sports & Community Facilities Development Co Ltd for their efforts to develop the playing pitches and associated facilities at Clarisford.
“As a former Mayor of Clare and Shannon I have witnessed at first hand the differences that such facilities can make in a local community,” he explained. “I wish to congratulate the community group for making a substantial private investment in this development. Were it not for the commitment of the Project team, the additional funding allocation from CLDC would not have been secured. I have no doubt that the community facilities, costing almost €400,000 in total, will help to further improve the quality of life for members of the local community,” conclude Senator Mulcahy.