Let me give it to you straight!

I'm absolutely livid and I hope you are too.

The country is full of unecessary and ineffecient quangos stuffed with vastly overpaid crony appointees. Keeping these people in the style to which they have become accustomed is quite literally killing the country. So, while you now see a huge reduction in your wages, assuming you still have a job, these guys are cemented in place with contracts they wrote for themselves.

Someone has to sort this out and I'm putting my hand up. When HQ asked me to run in this campaign I said I would only do it if they were totally committed to taking on these vested interests, be it in the HSE or the upper reaches of the civil service or wherever. I spoke directly and bluntly with the party leaders - Kenny, Bruton, Coveney, Hayes etc. and I can tell you they are just as annoyed as I am and just as determined to put things right, no matter what. I believe them and I'm asking you to believe us too.

It is time to give the people who caused this disaster, the kick in the backside they deserve and give others a chance to sort out the shameful waste in the public finances, fix the health system, get people back to work and stop the scurge of emigration. I will give every ounce of energy to reverse the mismanagement of the past decade.

It's easy to believe that all politicians or political parties are the same. We'll they're not. It's a cop-out to say that you can't change anything. Yes you can.

Give me your vote and even if you are not a traditional FG voter - just lend it to me this one time. I will make your vote count.  Thanks for your time and don't forget to leave a comment below.

Unknown  – (January 14, 2011 at 5:46 PM)  

If you and FG really have the stomach for tackling the overpaid senior civil servants, quangos and consultants - then you'll get my vote!

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Tony Mulcahy

Tony Mulcahy

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